Insider Q&As
HRMorning Q&As
Get Comprehensive & Trustworthy Answers To Important HR Questions
Every week, HR faces a host of situations. It could be legal related. Company policy decisions. Employee scenarios. The list goes on…
Where do you go when you encounter a question or situation you’re unsure how to handle?
How do you find what the law says, and how does that apply to your unique situation?
How You Get Answers Now:
- Search the web?
- Read dense legal text?
- Consult in-house counsel?
- Ask the leadership team?
- Hire an attorney?
The HRMorning Way:
- HR Insight from your peers
- Quick Answers and Key Takeaways
- Relevant Case Law summaries
- The Cost of Noncompliance
- Legal Perspectives from practicing attorneys
Robust Answers to HR Questions You Face Every Day
Every question has a multi-faceted answer, broken down into seven information-packed sections.
Quick Answer:
Our “get to the point” response to the question.
Legal Perspective:
Practicing employment attorney(s) give their take on the question.
Key Takeaways:
Get a TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) bullet point summary of key points covered in the detailed answer.
HR Insight:
Human resource professionals and consultants provide their views on the scenario.
Relevant Case Law:
Get a curated set of supporting case summaries that provide legal precedent related to the question.
The Cost of Noncompliance:
Read cautionary tales of companies facing judgments and penalties for
handling similar and tangential situations poorly.
Learn from their
Further Reading:
Go deeper with additional resources to expand your knowledge and bolster your decision-making on the topic.
Expert Guidance
Verified & Fact-Checked
Every Q&A is verified and fact-checked by our in-house experts. We take your feedback on each question and improve the answers over time.
As part of our fact-checking process, we review current cases and ensure that the court decisions we cite are still good law. In addition, we research the latest guidance from federal agencies, like the EEOC and the DOL, that oversee rulemaking processes and enforce the laws. We also verify that the answers are legally accurate, and we validate the award amounts of verdicts, settlements, and civil money penalties.
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