Court: Apple violated wage and hour laws
The California Supreme Court recently ruled that tech giant Apple must pay its employees for mandatory bag searches.
This decision came after a lawsuit was filed challenging Apple’s security policy, in which employees’ bags and personal Apple devices must be searched any time they leave the store.
Off-the-clock searches
These searches were being conducted off the clock, and employees argued they should be compensated for this time. The California Supreme Court agreed.
It pointed to several factors to prove this time was compensable. First of all, employees testified the searches could take anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on how many workers were waiting.
The court also said the searches were primarily for “the benefit of the employer,” not the employee. Apple tried to argue employees had the option of not bringing bags or personal Apple devices to work — therefore not being subjected to searches — but the court dismissed that argument as irrelevant.
Apple now must pay these employees back wages and adjust its bag search policy. This is a good reminder for all employers to avoid requiring your employees to do anything off the clock.
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