Despite the evidence that employees need -- and want -- more feedback than annual performance reviews, the yearly talk is still the standard at many organizations. So if we're going to continue to do them, let's do them better. To…
Performance Management
Let's say you finally decided to talk to an employee about his performance. You've put it off for some time, because ... well ... performance conversations are uncomfortable. But you need to talk about his disinterest and disengagement. Or you…
Whiners. Cynics. Bullies. Complainers. They're some of the most annoying employees (if not THE most annoying). Your workplace is probably peppered with a few. And that's already too many. If you think they annoy you, realize that you aren't alone.…
Consistent employee recognition ensures the people who keep an organization running are always kept top-of-mind. Employees are the lifeblood of any business. If they’re unhappy or disengaged, the entire organization suffers. If a team is never recognized for their hard…
Your employees are probably a lot more talented than you realize. They have unique skills that can improve your workplace. You can likely capitalize on those, a move that benefits both your organization and employees. It's more important -- and…
If you have turnover, you have bad managers. Unfortunately, you likely have some bad managers: Almost 75% of employees have either left a job or considered leaving because of a bad boss, according to research from Unmind. Of course, most…
HR leaders don't let good work and extra efforts go unnoticed. But your front-line managers might not recognize the power of recognition. Employees who feel appreciated by their boss are more engaged than those who don’t feel the love. But…
The shortage of skilled talent is plaguing just about everyone. Most industries are feeling the hurt from a lack of qualified talent, and companies are struggling to secure the skilled talent necessary to fuel their growth. It makes upskilling your…
If there was one thing you could do to help every employee do better at their job, you'd likely do it, right? And if there was one thing you could do to help every employee feel better at work and…
As organizations grapple with talent retention and employee satisfaction, it's clear that once-a-year, rate-and-rank review systems no longer serve employees, managers, HR or the company. It's high time for companies to modernize their performance management processes, argues John Smith, senior…
Generation Z, with its meme-fluent, digital-native, socially conscious culture, has staked its claim on the workplace. Between 12 and 27 years old, Gen Z makes up 30% of the world’s population. Over 17 million of this generation are currently working…
Unbossing: the systematic elimination of middle managers. If you're an employee, unbossing sounds like a great idea -- until you have nowhere to turn for anything. If you're in HR, unbossing might sound like a cost-cutting nightmare. Either way, this…
There's a good chance that someone in your organization is wasting time at work (such as an extra-long lunch break) right now. When a software engineer on the anonymous workplace community Blind posted a poll question last year asking how…
It’s no shock that employees wasting time is a touchy subject at work. Whether you’re a salaried or hourly employee, it’s inevitable that employees waste time in some capacity at work. Even so, employees want to keep their work distractions…
So what's wrong with employees? Why aren't they motivated? Why don't they hit goals or meet expectations? Why won't they tell us what's eating away at them? Sometimes it's difficult to find the answers. And unfortunately, there's proof that employees…
Congratulations -- you got the promotion (or got the pleasure of giving it to a worthy employee). The caveat: No raise. It's a dry promotion -- promoting an employee without giving a pay raise -- and it's a growing trend…