Episode 30
CHRO Playbook: From Culture to Performance
There’s a watershed talent shift going on in many workplaces, and companies that focus on executing the right employee retention strategies will be rewarded. But it’s probably going to require taking a different approach to what you’ve been doing. To provide you with a fresh perspective, we’ve called in Paaras Parker, Chief HR Officer at Paycor.
Guest Spotlight
Paaras Parker
CHRO, Paycor
Paaras Parker is a certified change management professional with expertise in talent management, talent development, employee engagement, coaching, and leadership development. Before joining the HR technology company, Paycor, she was head of HR for the Technology and Digital Division for Kroger, and before that, Director of Engagement Strategy and Analytics at Macy’s.
“If you really care about somebody and you care about how they’re progressing, and you care about how they’re doing, it’s not a tough conversation. It’s the conversation you owe them. And so I think reframing that in our own minds (as) ‘this is the conversation I owe this person because I respect them and I value them,’ you can have really great dialogue all throughout the year.”
Paaras Parker
CHRO, Paycor
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