Don't believe a change in your interview process will lead to better hires?
Read this Blueprint now
The HRMorning Interviewing Framework
A Structured Approach That Weeds Out Bad Fits And Boosts Your Hiring Success
This systematic, repeatable interview process – when properly applied – is designed to help you develop a structure that provides you a better-than-average success rate for bringing outstanding new employees on board.
After reading this blueprint we’ll take you from an unstructured interview approach where you “trust your gut” to guide your decision-making, to a clear-cut, structured, research-backed process proven to improve your hiring success – combined with company-specific assessments and tools for interviewers to follow in a consistent way – without fail.
In this Blueprint you'll discover how to:
- Create a scorecard that quantifiably identifies "A" players you need.
- Develop custom interview questions specific to your company and jobs.
- Structure your interview to qualify and assess candidates when they all are trying to convince you they're the best.
- "Sell" the candidates you want so they are eager to accept your offer.
- Measure and refine the effectiveness of your interview process over time.
The HRMorning Interviewing Framework...
5-Step Interviewing Framework That's Effective & Repeatable
- 3 reasons why you shouldn't interview without a scorecard – and the 4 elements you must include when you create one
- SJTs: The gold standard of interview questions – what they are, how to create them specifically for your company and job and how to assess responses against your scorecard
- The 5-assessment gauntlet you must run every candidate through during the interview process
- Why you should almost always run partner interviews vs. having a single interviewer
- 25% of all resumes lie! How to tease out the truth from all the exaggerations, critical omissions and outright deception
- Selling great candidates: 9 ways to "set the hook" so your ideal candidates don't slip away – and enthusiastically accept your offer
- The formula for making winning hiring decisions – and the two factors of good judgment you should use instead of your "gut"
Hiring & Interviewing Insights - Backed By Research
- Why SMART goals should die and be replaced with BHAGs (but only for companies – NOT individual employees, they need something completely different to achieve results)
- Discover a better approach than simple goal-setting that increases employee buy-in, accountability, follow-through and results – backed by behavioral psychology research
- 3 real-life case studies of how companies created a culture of accountability
- The root cause that explains why 50% of employees have no clue what is expected of them at work, according to Gallup – and how you can ensure your employees are on the good half of this equation
Get Answers To These Common Interview Process Questions
- How long should the interview be – and can I cut it short early if the candidate isn't suitable?
- How many candidates should I see before making a decision?
- How many people should interview a candidate (at one time and overall)?
- Is there an ideal order of asking questions?
- How to address negative press or reputation concerns with your company?
- How many references should we check – and how to get a "real" assessment of the candidate?
10 Interview Mistakes All Managers And HR Pros Should Avoid
- #1 – Talking too much (Do you know if you have the right balance?)
- #2 – Going off script and winging it (Is every candidate going through the exact same gauntlet?)
- #3 – Asking legally risky questions (Did that last question open you up to a bias lawsuit?)
- #6 – Bad-mouthing the competition (Where those comparisons with a competing job offer factual or opinions?)
- #8 – Interviewing from the resume (Did you allow the candidate to set the agenda for the interview?)
Bonuses: Six Practical Tools:
- Scorecard Template for the HR Morning Interviewing Framework
- 7 Interview Questions You Need To Be Asking
- 25 Desirable Traits You Want In A New Employee
- Keep Your Interviews Legal
- Guide To Reading a Job Candidate’s Verbal and Non-Verbal Cues
- HR Morning Interviewing Framework Checklist