Wells Fargo had mountains of well-documented evidence to back up its decision to fire a poorly performing employee, but a simple phrase by a clueless manager could wind up making all that evidence moot.And if the lawsuit -- Stewart v.…
Staff Administration
Ask employees and HR pros what the Human Resources department actually does, and you're liable to find some common beliefs and some major differences. (more…)

Courts have ruled that managers and supervisors can be held personally liable for FLSA violations. And now, in a new twist, courts are saying they can be individually liable for FMLA violations as well. Here's why and when. (more…)

Managers and leaders are not one and the same. Just because you're a manager, it doesn't mean you're a leader -- but it also doesn't mean you can't become one. Here's how to tell exactly where you are right now. …

Say you're conducting a workplace investigation, and the employee you're about to interview says, "I plead the Fifth" and chooses to remain silent. Are you allowed to discipline that employee? (more…)

In today's litigious workplace atmosphere, employers need to be mindful of the possibility of wrongful-discharge lawsuits from employees who have been let go -- and are angry about it. (more…)
Prepare to be alarmed by the kinds of things C-suite executives, managers and supervisors have asked their subordinates to do for them. (more…)

Just how big a role does professional development play in employee engagement and retention? A recent study provides us with some new insight. (more…)

Orchestrating a great feedback session is as much about what you shouldn’t do as what you should. (more…)

Heads up: OSHA has cranked up the fine for failing to report workplace injuries in the time required. (more…)

This U.S. district court ruling is a real game-changer for employers -- and not in a good way. Turns out, you CAN now be sued for simply reducing an employee's hours. (more…)

Everybody hates performance reviews. That's a given. But there are ways to move them out of the "dreaded chore" category into the file titled "engagement tools."Performance reviews are often badly done and serve to de-motivate employees -- or worse, give…

Even at the best workplaces, there’s always room for improvement. (more…)

We’ve never heard a manager grouse about a shortage of employee complaints. We’ve heard a few moan about how to handle those complaints, however. (more…)

Recently, we ran a post outlining seven areas you need to cover when navigating the interactive process of the ADA. This time around, a look at the landmines you need to avoid. (more…)

A lot of employees, especially your troublemakers (you know who they are), think they're safe when they leave the work premises. They're not. (more…)