Stopping Difficult People
from Sucking the Life Out of Your Organization
Every organization has at least one – a difficult person whose behavior negatively affects those around them.
Difficult employees crush productivity, destroy morale – and push your best employees out the door.
However, many organizations are finding that these employees can be turned into high-quality personnel in just a few steps.
Stopping Difficult People from Sucking the Life Out of Your Organization is a clear no-nonsense plan, delivering actionable tactics you can use today to effectively handle difficult employees and prevent bad behavior in the workplace from spreading.
Take Steps to Stopping Bad Behavior in Just 30 Minutes
- When to reward, and when to discipline
- Keys to handling “Attitude Problems” and “Rule Breakers”
- Specific words and phrases you should and shouldn’t use
- “Heading off” negative emotions – before they spread
Learn to Handle Any of These “Difficult” Employees
- Chronic-complainer
- Over-promiser
- Non-stop talker
- Inconsistent-producer
- Mr. Alibi, “I got caught in traffic…again”
Discover New Strategies for Creating a Positive Work Environment
- Identifying the problem with the 3 C’s
- How to criticize without trampling egos: Dos and Don’ts
- Proven principles to hone top-notch people skills
- Dealing with difficult superiors
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