Monday, December 6th, 2021| Choose your preferred time
Five Things Successful Companies Consider When Evaluating HR Software
The fundamentals of finding a solution that fits your needs – and your budget
Why do some HR technology approaches succeed while others fail?
An astounding 70% of HR software implementations are deemed failures, according to Mercer Consulting.
This means that 30% were successful.
What was it about the process these successful organizations went through to find the right software? What were their key objectives? What questions did they ask during the vendor search? What did they understand about the implementation before project kick-off? What did they consider at each stage of the process, from selection to go-live?
If you could find enough companies who have succeeded and work backwards to understand how each of those companies achieved that success, you’d start to notice that the things they considered along the path to that success are often the same.
Those are the findings of Patrick Sayers, president of Newcastle Research and he’s ready to share these key considerations – and more – with you in this free webinar. This is your chance to finally know how to assess HR software in a way that gets you the right fit for your needs.
After this webinar you will know:
- The most important considerations successful companies factor in when assessing new HR software
- The key questions you need to ask yourself to evaluate your department’s needs
- The #1 thing to consider when choosing a new vendor
- When going through a reseller can be a good thing – and when it might be cause for concern
- Red flags to watch out for during the sales process
- Practical tips for using technology to meet your organization’s changing needs
- Best practices from companies that have made a smooth transition to new tech
Your Speaker:
Patrick Sayers is the president of Newcastle Research, a research and advisory company focused on the Human Capital Management market. He leads Newcastle Research’s consulting services, leveraging two decades of industry experience to assist clients with their HCM strategy.
Duration: 1 hour
Can’t attend the webinar live? Sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording when the event is over.
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