Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 |
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How Digital HR Drives Agility, Resilience, and Long-Term Success
In today’s dynamic world, businesses continue to experience disruptions (like a pandemic …).
Smart businesses are learning that they need to find ways to support their employees through change and be prepared for a continuing world of uncertainty.
In this free webinar on February 24th, courtesy of Oracle, you’ll learn how to help your workforce be more resilient and innovative using cloud-based technology and related tools, plus:
- A holistic approach to human capital management that integrates and connects HR functions
- Cloud-based tools to cultivate resilience in your employees while keeping them connected and productive
- How to shift from in-house patchwork HR activities to integrated cloud solutions to continue to match your HR support to evolving organizational needs
- How to foster agility to adjust to disruption while continuing to grow and succeed
Duration: 1 hour
Your Speaker: Michelle Coussens
Can’t attend the webinar live? Sign up anyway and we’ll send you the recording when the event is over.
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