Thursday, February 16th, 2023 |
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The Real Cost of Payroll Errors and How to Avoid Them
Attend this webinar to learn about the real cost of payroll errors and how you can avoid them from Paycom.
Employees don’t just work to get paid — they work to get paid correctly. Despite this, Ernst & Young (EY) reports 1 in 5 payrolls contain errors. Each error costs a business $291 on average. One 1,000-employee business EY studied spent nearly $1 million fixing preventable mistakes each year.
EY also found a full-time payroll employee spends over half a year correcting common payroll issues. Noncompliance takes its toll, too. EY discovered annual regulatory and litigation costs reach up to $100,000.
Payroll issues need to be resolved before inaccurate pay hits an employee’s check. If you’re tired of unnecessary mistakes, join this webinar to hear:
- the consequences of payroll errors
- the five most common issues and what they cost
- how HR tech helps HR professionals invest more time in higher-reaching goals and initiatives
Speaker Info
Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors Co-founder

Steve Boese is a Co-Founder of H3 HR Advisors; the Program Chair and host of the HR Technology Conference; and a columnist for Human Resource Executive magazine. He is also a frequent speaker and author on topics in Human Resources, HR technology and the workplace. Boese co-hosts the “At Work in America” podcast, part of the HR Happy Hour Media Network and the longest-running and most downloaded podcast in the Human Resources field. In 2022 he co-created and launched the “Workplace Minute” the evolution of the “HR Happy Hour Show on Alexa”, which was the first HR podcast for Amazon Alexa-enabled devices.
Ken Nagle, Senior Manager, Ernst & Young LLP

Ken Nagle is a Senior Manager with the Quantitative Economics and Statistics (QUEST) group of Ernst & Young located in Washington, D.C. He joined Ernst & Young in October 1997. He joined the QUEST group in October 2002. He has experience in survey management, questionnaire design, and survey programming using Snap Surveys, Lotus Notes, and HTML. Ken has helped manage the survey practice for the QUEST group, with a focus on web data collection. Ken’s duties include coordination of survey implementation, web survey programming, and production of graphical reports and analysis.
Jasmine Sievert, Workforce Marketing Partner, Paycom

As a workforce marketing partner at Paycom, Jasmine Sievert creates content covering a wide array of topics related to the HR and human capital management industries. A former journalist and public relations professional, she has crafted a variety of materials for businesses and nonprofits. Sievert earned a bachelor’s degree in Multimedia Journalism from Oklahoma State University and a master’s degree in Business Administration from the University of Central Oklahoma.
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