4 Must-Have Components of a Remote Onboarding Program
Why 9 out of 10 companies are missing the mark with their onboarding
Only 1 in 10 employees strongly agree that their companies are great at onboarding. And this was before COVID.
It’s hard to imagine this getting worse but it has. Here’s why:
Remote and hybrid work environments make creating the same new hire experience a challenge. And you can’t just “copy” an existing onboarding process built around being together physically.
Plus, more employees are resigning and starting new positions. This multiplies the importance and impact onboarding has on employee engagement, productivity, and retention.
The good news, Ergotron has gathered research and case studies and synthesized it into the most essential elements and changes you need to incorporate into your onboarding program right now.
Inside this concise, insight-filled playbook you’ll get:
- The four cornerstones every remote onboarding program must have
- 5 ways to (almost) replicate the community and connection of in-office onboarding and new-hire experience – 100% remote
- Why successful onboarding should be not built around your company culture – and what to focus on for strong employee engagement and retention
- 5 metrics you should be using to assess the effectiveness of your onboarding program (these take the guesswork out of a rarely measured process)
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