The Key to Motivating Millennials
Why Gen Yers Thrive in Collaborative Workplaces
There’s power in numbers when you’re open to collaboration.
When you combine the unique perspectives and aptitudes of multigenerational teams to amplify job satisfaction and results – the impact is incredible.
In fact, a Standford study found that those who work collaboratively stick to their task 64% longer than their solitary peers, plus reported higher engagement levels, lower fatigue levels, and a higher success rate.
Mastering the art of effective collaboration isn’t easy though…
Don’t worry – our partners at Workplace from Facebook are here to help.
They’ve studied how Millennials approach working together (both online and offline) in the professional sphere.
They’ve compiled their findings into this free report, where they identify the generation’s attitudes towards collaboration: what holds them together, what drives them apart and how understanding these tensions is central to your company’s success.
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