Measuring the value of benefits communications

You work hard to make all of your benefits communications as good as they can be.
But where does all that work end up? It can be tough for you to know how effective your communications have been.
You’re not alone. Studies have shown that as many as 40% of companies can’t effectively measure internal communications.
As you refine your benefits communications strategy for an increasingly remote workforce, here are some of the things you should be measuring.
Open rates and click rates
You can look to the digital experts. Ask your colleagues over in Marketing to show you how keeping track of email open rates and click rates gives you valuable insight about:
• how often employees actually engage with Benefits’ communications
• what time is best for sending different messages, and
• which of your carefully crafted content and subject lines capture the most attention.
Responses and feedback
Great communications is never one way. Adding social media tools that capture employee feedback lets you drill down on your engagement metrics, such as:
• How often do workers comment on benefits stories and news?
• Do they ever “like” your posts?
• Do they tag co-workers to alert them to what you’re sharing?
And remember, when it’s time to measure your own performance, these metrics let you show just how effective and valuable your benefits communications team is.
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