Perils of Posting Fake Jobs: 4 Reasons NOT to Do It

If you’re thinking of posting some fake jobs — or have already done it — think again.
While the reasons for posting jobs that don’t exist, are expired or won’t be filled anytime soon seem innocent, the practice isn’t a good look for HR or the companies they represent.
Almost one-third of companies have fake jobs posted, according to a Resume Builder survey. So for every three jobs a candidate spends time applying to, they only have a chance of getting through to two.
How disappointing for candidates. And devious of employers.
“A reasonable person might argue that an action to deceive or falsify something is generally ‘bad’ and generates harm and/or negative consequences to all parties involved,” says Jennifer Schielke, author of Leading for Impact: The CEO’s Guide to Influencing With Integrity and the CEO/co-founder of Summit Group Solutions. “So, why would do companies promote ‘ghost postings’ as an acceptable practice?”
Why Post Fake Jobs?
“The wake of any decision, good or bad, has a far-reaching impact and the situation we’ve bumped into here is no exception,” says Schielke.
She breaks down why companies post fake jobs — and why it’s detrimental to HR, business and job candidates.
1. Giving an Appearance of Growth
Some companies that post fake jobs want others — customers, investors, competitors and job candidates — to think they’re growing.
“Increased revenue and growth are good for all businesses,” says Schielke. “But in this case, revenue increases were gained through a false perception of market growth precipitated by fake information.”
2. Making Employees Think Help is on the Way
At some companies, leadership might post fake jobs so current employees believe they’re actively hiring — and will soon alleviate their overwhelming workload.
“You’ve just played a dangerous game with the most important asset of your business — current employees,” said Schielke. “The boost in employee morale that seems to have been exhibited will quickly fade when they realize that the company is not making a good faith effort to improve the work environment, and trust will be difficult to regain.
“If you didn’t have a culture problem before the false practices took place, you certainly may have created one in the wake of that decision,” she says.
3. Lighting a Fire Under Employees
Everyone is replaceable. Or, at least that’s what some companies want employees to believe when they post fake jobs.
When they want employees to get competitive, increase efficiency or sharpen skills, the companies make it look like employees could lose a job if they don’t kick it up a notch.
“The emphasis you put on being replaceable becomes a negative agent in employee motivation and morale,” says Schielke.
4. Collecting Resumes
According to Schielke, 60% of companies said even though they don’t plan to hire any time soon, they wanted to collect resumes for future potential.
They use that information to see the talent that’s available or pad their talent pipeline.
How Fake Jobs Hurt
The reasons for posting fake jobs vary, but the harmful results are more common among companies that do it.
The dangers:
- The recruiting cycle is poorly executed. “Candidates may not be interested in you again in the future if they don’t have a good experience now,” says Schielke.
- You hurt trust. Once candidates recognize a company isn’t being honest with its job postings, the market will catch on — and trust with customers, employees and stakeholders will be at risk.
- Candidates change. The candidates and resumes you collect now won’t likely represent the market and available candidates when “you turn on the real for-hire button,” says Schielke.
- You waste time. Filing and tracking candidates you may never talk to or hire wastes internal resources.
Avoid Posting Fake Jobs
Stay the course if you haven’t posted fake jobs.
Even better, Schielke suggests you include a disclaimer on your job postings with something like this: “We only post current job opportunities and/or do not participate in fake job listings.”
Also, work with hiring managers and other senior managers to unpack the potential effects of posting fake jobs and the impact of posting real-time, well-written job posts. Understanding the negative outcomes of a seemingly innocuous practice — and the positive impact of better practices — can help everyone stay focused on getting the right message out about job openings.
If You Post Fake Jobs
Finally, caution to the companies that already post fake jobs. The best bet is to stop now.
“Even if the companies experienced a positive result in revenue, productivity, and/or morale, the means and path to get there is indeed one that should raise the alarm,” says Schielke. “The backlash may be more harmful than the momentary gains enjoyed. It’s the responsibility and privilege of each company to make the decision that suits them best.”
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