Company culture has changed: How HR can make it better

Company culture isn’t what it used to be.
That’s not to say everything has changed for the worse since the pandemic. But full disclosure: Many things HR pros would want to be perfect just aren’t, according to new research from The Conference Board.
Bottom line: Stress and burnout rose. Overall well-being fell. And employees don’t seem to be taking it well. Most took fewer vacation days.
“Since the outbreak of the pandemic, employee well-being has declined and burnout is on the rise,” said Rebecca Ray, PhD, Executive Vice President of Human Capital at The Conference Board. “To retain workers, HR leaders will need a strong focus on improving the employee experience. That includes both allowing and encouraging employees to integrate their work and personal lives in a way that works best for them.”
Specifically, here’s what Conference Board researchers uncovered in their fourth survey in a series, Reimagined Workplace: 2 Years Later, which explores how companies and employees have changed. You can click through to find more tips on improving the employee experience and reinventing company culture.

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