5 Key Compliance Issues
A Practical Guide for Your Business
Keeping your company ahead of the curve and compliant requires that you proactively develop and implement policies that not only serve your employees, but also follow the proper laws and procedures.
Across every industry, compliance is one of the biggest challenges companies face. In fact, compliance violations have increased by 45% since 2011. Employers and HR teams need to stay current with the ever-shifting legal requirements and make sure the law is applied correctly.
And in cases of noncompliance? The fines, fees, and penalties can have a severe financial impact as well as legal repercussions, and be detrimental to a company’s reputation.
This guide will assist you in complying with some of the top labor issues in today’s market, ranging from overtime to biometric consent and everything in between. We know these issues can seem overwhelming, but the goal is to help bring awareness and preparedness to your organization so you can handle compliance with greater ease.
Key Takeaways:
- See how your state lines up with its overtime policies — whether following FSLA, industry-specific, or daily standards
- How to save on labor costs and manual efforts by automating overtime reporting
- Paid leave — updates to regulations, from sick leave to parental rights
- Best practices for streamlining paid leave administration
- Predictive scheduling — understand the regulations designed to help create a more robust work-life balance for your staff and the challenges you may face when anticipating demand
- Worker classification — employees, independent contractors, and others — prospective changes you need to be aware of
- Biometrics — informed consent, state legislation, protecting employee privacy, and data requirements — what you need to know
- Steps to mitigate future risk of noncompliance
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