Once the paperwork is gathered and the witness interviews complete, it’s time to craft a written response to an EEOC complaint. Here’s a seven-step process for drafting an airtight position statement. (more…)

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Learn MoreOnce the paperwork is gathered and the witness interviews complete, it’s time to craft a written response to an EEOC complaint. Here’s a seven-step process for drafting an airtight position statement. (more…)
The other employment laws have nothing on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). Here's why the FLSA is the employment law you're most likely to violate.Look no further than the recent investigation into pay practices at Neiman Printing, Inc., in…
It’s a perk employees really appreciate: Being allowed to use their own personal devices (smartphones, laptops, tablets) to get their jobs done. But be careful -- this increasingly popular trend can backfire on your organization. (more…)
Employers are not too proud to admit it: They have an employee retention problem. But the good news is they're reporting there are tactics and programs working to keep top employees on board -- and the majority don't involve bumping…
Intermittent FMLA leave can be a nightmare for supervisors everywhere. A top employment lawyer offers a multi-step approach that’ll help companies legally discourage abuse. (more…)
Should companies be forced to provide paid sick leave? The results of a new report suggest there are two good reasons to implement the proposed requirement: It would improve employee health and disease prevention. (more…)
FMLA abuse: With all of the laws out there protecting employee rights, many employers feel it's a problem they are powerless to stop. (more…)
Employees on FMLA can't be denied any benefit they earned before taking leave. But what does the law say about employees on leave accruing benefits that are based on hours worked? (more…)
When an employee's disciplined, managers often hear a complaint that parents will recognize: "But so-and-so did the same thing and didn't get in trouble!" If the employees in question are different races or genders, that can be the basis for…
While HR feels most of the burden that comes with FMLA compliance, employees have their own rules to follow. What can companies do when a worker fails to meet those requirements? (more…)
There's a bill likely to become law soon that will greatly expand the protections of the Americans with Disabilities Act. That's why it's more important than ever for supervisors to know the ins and outs of managing disabled employees. (more…)
If one of your employees works for a different company while on FMLA leave, that means he's abusing his rights and you can stop offering leave, right? Wrong. (more…)
Getting appropriate medical certification is key to cracking down on FMLA abuse. But how often can you ask employees to get recertified? (more…)
Our team of experts fields real-life, everyday questions from HR managers and gives practical answers that can be applied by any HR pro in the same situation. Today’s question: The legality of room-sharing travel policies. (more…)
If an employee has an angry outburst and hurls profanities at a boss or co-workers, you’d fire him or her, right? Not so fast – the behavior may have been caused by a protected disability. (more…)
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